3 Quotes & Sayings By Wrede

Wrede is an American novelist. Her first novel, Thirteen, was published in 1998. She is the author of the fantasy novels Pandora's Star (2002), The Wall of Storms (2006), and The Shadow Speaker (2012). All three were international bestsellers Read more

Her short fiction has appeared in collections such as The Best American Fantasy (2011) and Is Everybody Hanging Out? (2012).

So think hard, Eff. Think about how you’d feel and what you’d regret in ten or twenty years, both ways – if you go, and if you don’t go. Then make your decision, and I’ll support it.” The Far West (Frontier Magic Book 3) Wrede
We didn’t raise any of you to walk a path other than your own. The Far West (Frontier Magic Book 3). Wrede